Easter Weekend - -
It was a great Easter weekend. My father-in-law came to visit on Thursday, so of course it was a busy and fun-filled three days. I'm still in a little bit of disbelief of how much was accomplished during his stay. Friday we went over to Jone's Gap and hiked Rainbow Falls. Beautiful waterfall. On the way up, our friend John timidly confessed that he had never tried a boiled peanut *please forgive him - he's from New Jersey*. We stopped at the first po-dunk grocery store we saw. Huge cup of boiled peanuts for two dollars - thanks Lester. Needless to say, he loved them - had a hard time sharing. He's adapted pretty well to "the south", if South Carolina can be labeled as such. On the way down the mountain, Alexander gave every single person that passed a taste test with love. One man was not so happy about it. So after listening *with a bit of a deaf ear* to his wife complain to me that my dog had rabies and I should not have him on the trail, we exchanged numbers so they could later clarify that we were telling the truth that our well-behaved, obedient-school-graduate, currently-confused puppy was in fact clear of rabies. They confirmed later that day with our vet in Mississippi. After the hike, we picked up a pizza and watched a James Bond flick. Worn out.
Saturday was full of adventure as well. To quickly recap - the men built a garden, planted the garden, built a door and lock for our outside storage room, built a bike rack in our other storage room, and picked up a work table from our Chiropractor and put it in the storage room. All the while, I made venison bagel burgers and sweet potato fries for lunch, followed by homemade ginger snaps for desert.
Afterwards, we decided to check out a town close by called Pacolet that Mr. Michael had read contained the most craftsmen style homes in the state (he's a contractor who specializes in historic homes). Well, someone obviously did not complete thorough research for their write-up on "must sees" in South Carolina. This town was the epitome of disappointment. White trash, need I say. We saw 2 out of the "supposed" 250 craftsmen style homes, a drug bust in the middle of town, and when we asked where the historic part of town was we were told the Dollar General was a block away. We got out of there pretty quickly. Luckily our trip was greatly redeemed when we stumbled upon a couple trails on the outskirts of Pacolet. We hiked for a bit then decided to try to find Glendale (another old mill town) that wasn't far away, hoping for more redemption. Glendale was b.e.a.utiful. There were many craftsmen style homes and a gorgeous dam. Next to the dam was an old fabric factory that had burned down in 2004 - built in the 1800s though. It was crazy to walk around and see. Unfortunately we didn't have much daylight in Glendale, so I hope to go back soon.

Saturday was full of adventure as well. To quickly recap - the men built a garden, planted the garden, built a door and lock for our outside storage room, built a bike rack in our other storage room, and picked up a work table from our Chiropractor and put it in the storage room. All the while, I made venison bagel burgers and sweet potato fries for lunch, followed by homemade ginger snaps for desert.
Afterwards, we decided to check out a town close by called Pacolet that Mr. Michael had read contained the most craftsmen style homes in the state (he's a contractor who specializes in historic homes). Well, someone obviously did not complete thorough research for their write-up on "must sees" in South Carolina. This town was the epitome of disappointment. White trash, need I say. We saw 2 out of the "supposed" 250 craftsmen style homes, a drug bust in the middle of town, and when we asked where the historic part of town was we were told the Dollar General was a block away. We got out of there pretty quickly. Luckily our trip was greatly redeemed when we stumbled upon a couple trails on the outskirts of Pacolet. We hiked for a bit then decided to try to find Glendale (another old mill town) that wasn't far away, hoping for more redemption. Glendale was b.e.a.utiful. There were many craftsmen style homes and a gorgeous dam. Next to the dam was an old fabric factory that had burned down in 2004 - built in the 1800s though. It was crazy to walk around and see. Unfortunately we didn't have much daylight in Glendale, so I hope to go back soon.
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